Imagine winding mountain roads, crisp alpine air, and your EV gliding quietly past snow-dusted peaks. No gas stations. No engine noise. Just the freedom of
Fachkenntnisse, die schwer zu überschätzen sind Es gibt viele Berufe, in denen Fachkenntnisse eine Schlüsselrolle spielen. Einer davon ist die Maniküre. Denn seine Hände echten
5 Free Excel Holiday Budget Worksheets
November 15th, 2010
Christmas is coming! As much as we try to deny it and push it out of our minds, it is on it’s way… 8 weeks and counting! Ok, I’m sure that some of you are already on the ball and have started your Holiday Planning.
I’m having a hard time getting into it, but I know I had better get started and the first thing I always like to do is figure out my Christmas Budget.
It’s time to get your Holiday Budget figured out and start planning your Christmas gift spending.
When you have a plan and have an idea of what your expenses are going to be, you are much more likely to stay on track with your spending and stick to your budget.
Hopefully, you have some money set aside for the Holidays or can save it up in the next 2 months so you don’t have to Finance Christmas. I have heard a lot of talk from folks who are going pretty simple and frugal this year (myself included) and if this is you, there are still some expenses to be expected.
I have a little Christmas present for you…
5 Free Excel Christmas Budget Worksheets
These worksheets will help you figure out your budget and keep track of all of your gift spending and even figure out your budget for next year so you can start saving in January of the new year!
There are 5 worksheets that will automatically calculate when you enter your numbers!
- Christmas Budget – figure out how much money you need for various expense categories this Holiday Season
- Family Christmas Gift Budget – for the immediate family, keep track of the gift, storage location, budgeted amount and actual spent for each family member
- Christmas Gift Budget – for extended family & friends, keep track of the gift, storage location, budgeted amount, actual spent for each person and your remaining balance
- Grandparent’s Christmas Gift Budget – for the kids, grand-kids & great grand-kids, keep track of the gift, storage location, budgeted amount, actual spent for each person and your remaining balance
- Next Year’s Christmas Budget – calculate your expenses for this year and estimate any additional expenses for next year, get your total and start saving in January for a debt free Holiday in December
Feel free to share this Christmas Budget with your family & friends, or post on your blog or website! | Free Holiday Budget Worksheets |
Click Here to Download the Free Excel Christmas Budget Worksheets (office 2007 version)If you have problems downloading this version, you may need an older version. Click here to download the Free Excel Christmas Budget Worksheets (office 97-2003 Version)All of the pages are included in one workbook or file, to get to a different page just click the page tabs at the bottom of the sheets. Be sure to save this file to your computer after you download and open it. If you do not have Excel on your computer, you can download for FREE, OpenOffice which has a Spreadsheet Program by clicking here. | Here’s what you will find: Christmas & Holidays Budget |
Family Christmas Gift Budget | Extended Family & Friends Christmas Gift Budget |
Grandparents Christmas Gift Budget | Next Year’s Christmas Budget |
Good luck with your Holiday Budgeting this year and I hope this helps you out a little! Be sure to check out The Holiday Planner, it is filled with checklists, charts and templates to help make your Holiday Planning as stress-free and organized as possible!
Please share your thoughts on the Excel Christmas Budget Worksheets by leaving a comment below!
Kid Memory Binders from Reluctant Entertainer
January 12th, 2010
I just came across a fabulous post over at Reluctant Entertainer!
Kid Memory Binders: Organized and Easy!
I was so happy when I read this post, or maybe it’s kind of sad to say that I was happy to hear that other moms are too busy to scrapbook too!
I have had some great intentions of someday creating scrapbooks for my kids. I have the actual scrapbooks, the paper and some other fun little stuff to go in the scrapbooks all stored in an organizing tote under a bed. What I don’t have is the time to sit down and actually do the scrap-booking right now!
I also have stacks of papers, cards, pictures and special items that I have saved with the intention of, someday, getting them into a scrapbook!
This idea, with the binders and page protectors is something I can do! It does not feel too overwhelming to me, and if I want I can start with this year! I don’t have to start at the very beginning when my kids were babies, and what a perfect time to start… Jan 2010!
So, head on over to Reluctant Entertainer and read Sandy’s post:
Kid Memory Binders: Organized and Easy!
She gives some great tips and instructions for putting together a Kid Memory Binder ~ Thanks Sandy!
2010 Free Printable Calendars are Ready!
December 2nd, 2009
The 2010 printable calendars are perfect for your Household Planner, Home Management Notebook, Household Notebook or whatever you may call it!
You can also print out these calendars to hang on your wall or on your family bulletin board for the whole family to see.
Keeping an accessible calendar that you can record your family events, activities, appointments etc. on is an essential part of keeping you and your family organized and your every day routines running smoothly!
I have just added the 2010 Free Calendars to my Calendars Page, there are a few different versions available. There are dated calendars with US Holidays or dated with no Holidays, I also have some blank calendar templates that you can fill in your own dates.
Click here to visit my Calendars Page and to download a Free 2010 Printable Calendar
If you are looking for a little more structure and organization to your calendar, I also have Customized Printable Calendars that are designed for busy moms and women. They include customized sections and places to record goals for the month.
Uses for a Printable Monthly Calendar:
- Household Planner, Notebook or Binder
- Put it on the Family Bulletin Board
- Hang it on the Wall or Fridge
- For your Teens or Tweens
Share with us what type of calendar keeps you and your family organized! Leave a comment below!
Dave Ramsey’s Christmas Giveaways 24 Days of Giving
December 1st, 2009
I am a huge Dave Ramsey fan! My husband and I attended a Financial Peace University class a couple of years ago and it was a life changing experience for us. We were headed for financial ruin, the class was an essential part of our becoming “financially smart” and helping us to change the way we managed our money.
Dave is doing Christmas Giveaways on his site – 24 days of Giving – Give Like No One Else!
So, head on over to and enter to win some great prizes!
Tuesday, Dec 1
Today’s Giveaway: 150 Financial Peace University Lifetime Memberships
Be sure to check back at Dave’s Site every day until Christmas for a new fantastic giveaway each day!
Tell Your Loved Ones that You are Thankful for Them
November 23rd, 2009
This year, with Thanksgiving just a few days away, I have found a new appreciation for my friends and family. I (and my family) have been going through a difficult situation with one of my siblings and I have had to reach out and rely on my close friends and family, which is something I have taken for granted when things in my life are going fine.
The whole situation has helped me to “re-discover” how blessed I am to have a God who answers prayer, friends who care and a family that is filled with unconditional love.
So this Thanksgiving I have decided that I am going to tell these wonderful people just how much and what qualities I appreciate about them.
I encourage all of you this Thanksgiving to let those important people in your life know just how much they mean to you.
- Do something special for them
- Write them a letter or send a card
- Take them out to dinner
- Make a video
- Use one of my Templates below
I made up some templates so you can tell your friends and families too!
Please share your ideas for telling your loved ones that you are thankful for them by leaving a comment below!
Printable Christmas Coupons – Kids & Teens Gift Ideas
November 5th, 2009
If you are looking for inexpensive, creative and clutter-free gift ideas for your kids this year, this is a great one!
These Printable Christmas Coupons are perfect gift ideas for school-aged kids, tweens and teens!
With the Christmas Coupons, you can be very creative and give unique gifts that your kids will appreciate!
Some of the gift ideas for school-aged kids include:
- Choose a Restaurant
- Choose a Game Night
- Choose a Movie Night
- Date with Dad
- Dinner with Mom
- Free Book
Some of the gift ideas for tweens and teens include:
- Get out of Chores Free
- Host a Movie Night
- Host a Game Night
- Free CD
- 1 Hour of Dad’s Undivided Attention
- 1 Hour of Mom’s Undivided Attention
These are Microsoft Word files so you can edit them, you can change or add gift ideas and enter your child’s name on the coupons. If you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer, you can download Open Office for free here. |
Click Here to Download the Printable Christmas Coupons – Trees Version |
You can also download a PDF version of these Christmas Coupons – you will NOT be able to edit these. Click Here to Download the Printable Christmas Coupons – PDF – Trees VersionClick Here to Download the Printable Christmas Coupons – PDF – Presents Version |
Click Here to Download the Printable Christmas Coupons – Presents Version |
Please share your inexpensive, creative and clutter-free gift ideas for your kids!
You Can’t Afford To NOT Sell Toys On Ebay This Holiday Season!
October 19th, 2009
Guest Post by Jenni Hunt at Holiday Toy Guide.
Looking at trends in the toy industry can be valuable for an eBay seller… it helps to know what kind of inventory to keep an eye out for – and you can bet that the most popular toys this year will likely follow these trends. This is true for new and used toys.
Following are some trends that outline what buyers are paying attention to this year and are useful to keep in mind when shopping for inventory.
1. Eco-Friendly Toys
“Green” is IN… it is everywhere and toys are no exception! Toys that are environmentally friendly are expected to be very popular this year.
2. Budget Friendly
The economy is all the talk – but that doesn’t mean parents aren’t going to be buying toys for their kids this Christmas. Retailers are already gearing up to offer some great prices on their toys this year.
3. Realistic Toys
I think it started with Baby Alive years ago… but it has become a huge trend these past few years and looks like it will continue. These are toys that respond to touch and interact with the child somehow.
4. Classic toys
Many parents are turning to toys that they had when they were young.
5. Movies
There are always a few movies that are released during the year that have a very timely DVD release right before the holidays. Look at what movies did well this year – and keep an eye on the merchandise available for that movie… usually they do well on eBay.
KNOW which toys are selling this holiday – the biggest selling season of the year – with the Holiday Toy Guide.
Another Free Report – Want to know how to find the eBay Hot Sellers?
October 15th, 2009
So, if selling toys on eBay to make some extra money or just to be a better informed eBay seller sounds like a good idea to you (as I mentioned yesterday).
Jenni from the Holiday Toy Guide just put Another new free report on her website and I think you’ll like it.
This report is only available TODAY – so go get it right now!
It is a short report showing you how to find what is selling on eBay for 2009.
You can get the 5 Keys For Researching eBay For Hot Items here:
Free Report – 2009 Toy Trends for Selling Holiday Toys
October 14th, 2009
If you are anything like me, you are always looking for ways to make some extra money, especially for the upcoming Holiday Season!
Selling toys on eBay for the Holidays has become quite profitable for lots of sellers or maybe you already sell on eBay and could use some tips on choosing what toys are going to be the hot sellers this selling season.
Jenni from the Holiday Toy Guide just put the new free 2009 Toy Trends report on her website and I think you’ll like it.
You can see it here:
You’ll like it because it shows you an easy way to know what some of the most popular toys are expected to be this holiday season.
How to Make a Household Planner
September 28th, 2009
Making a Household Planner, Home Management Binder, Home Organizer, Household Notebook or whatever you want to call it, is easy!
You first need to decide what you want to include in your planner. The great thing about a household planner is that you can customize it! This is not a “One size fits all” type of thing, every household has different needs. A family with small children will need different pages in their planner than a single woman with no children at home.
Be sure to read What is a Household Planner? to see a list of possible categories.
Household Planner Materials Needed:
- 3 Ring Binder – standard size
- Tabbed Dividers
- 3 Hole Punch
- Pocket Folders (optional)
- Page Protectors (optional)
- Business Card Holder (optional)
- Your Printed Household Planner Pages!